Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why Haven't People Heard of Ski?

It's become a common and disappointing occurrence for me. It seems that nearly every time I go to the local Wal-Mart and toss a few 12 packs of Ski up on the checkout conveyor, I get a confused look from the cashier.

"Ski? Never heard of that one," they say.

This is not an isolated incident (or series of incidents) with a single cashier. None of them seem to have heard of this excellent soda, despite the fact that their store sells it. Sure, from my best estimate they only stock 4 cases per week, and I buy 2, but they do actually sell that product in the store, and the staff does not recognize it.

They ask, "is that new?"

Sure! It is one of those hip new drinks. They just started making it in... 1956. It's even mentioned in a song released in 1990. So, yeah, brand new drink. All the rage with the tweenagers...

Ski, people! SKI!
Big Cray: Accept No Substitute